New Security & Home Improvement Wall Charts

Darley is pleased to advise that the NEW Security & Home improvement wall charts are now available to order.

A beneficial resource for security fabricators, these wall charts display all the aluminium extrusions, hardware and accessories you need to fabricate Darley’s security and home improvement systems.

A comprehensive 10-page guide, the security and home improvement wall charts also provide:

-All aluminium extrusions are displayed on 1 to 1 scale

-Product information, including product name, code, and dimensions

-All aluminium extrusions are conveniently grouped into product categories
-Includes all the latest products for the ScreenGuard and ScreenGuard Extreme systems

-Printed as an A2-sized chart with perforated pages that can be torn off and displayed on the factory wall

Please complete the form provided below to receive a free copy of the Security & Home Improvement Wall Charts Catalogue.


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