250mm x 60mm Front Double Glazed Commercial Framing

The new 250mm x 60mm front double-glazed commercial framing system offers superior strength and high frame heights of 6000mm.

Ideal for commercial and high-end residential applications such as showrooms, offices, shopping centres, and other commercial buildings. This 250mm commercial framing system is versatile and high-performing and can achieve strength ratings of 2250Pa and a water penetration rating of 800Pa.

Designed and engineered in Australia, it is also compatible with a variety of other Darley commercial window and door systems.

Design Features:

  • null
    Ideal for large spans
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    Accepts a glass thickness of 20mm to 44mm
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    Tested to an overall unit height of 6000mm
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    High water resistance with a water rating of 800Pa
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    Compatible with Darley’s other commercial framing systems
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    Tested to AS2047 Windows & External Glazed Doors and AS4284 Testing of Building Facades

WERS Ratings

The Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS) is accredited by the AFRC – which means that WERS ratings are compliant with the NCC.

Reports are prescribed both the window performance for total window U Value (Uw) and total window Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGCw).


U-value measures how well a product prevents heat from escaping.

It is a measure of the rate of non-solar heat loss or gain through a material or assembly.

U-value ratings generally fall between 2.0-10.0 W/m2.K for Australian products. The lower the U-value, the greater a window’s resistance to heat and cold flow and the better its insulating value.

Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient (SHGC)

SHGC measures how well a product blocks heat caused by sunlight. SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The lower a window’s SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits.

Tested to AS2047

Under the Building Code of Australia, we are required to produce windows and doors that meet mandatory minimum specifications under Australian Standard (AS) 2047 – including AS1288.

Simulations of High Winds and Driving Rains

AS4420.2 Deflection Test – positive and negative wind pressures are applied to the face of the window to test the maximum deflection under wind load.
AS4420.5 Water Penetration Resistance Test – to verify that no water leaks through the window into the building.

Operating Force Requirement

AS4420.3 Operating Force Test – to verify that an opening sash is capable of opening and closing without undue effort.

Air Infiltration Pressure

AS4220.4 Air In filtration Test – the air leakage of a window is tested to ensure energy and acoustic efficiency.

Ultimate Strength Testing

AS4420.6 Ultimate Strength Test – negative and positive wind pressures are applied to the window to at least 1.5 times the design wind pressure to ensure it does not fail in unusual wind conditions.

Download CAD Drawings

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250mm x 60mm Front Double Glazed Commercial Framing

The new 250mm x 60mm front double-glazed commercial framing system offers superior strength and high frame heights of 6000mm.

Ideal for commercial and high-end residential applications such as showrooms, offices, shopping centres, and other commercial buildings. This 250mm commercial framing system is versatile and high-performing and can achieve strength ratings of 2250Pa and a water penetration rating of 800Pa.

Designed and engineered in Australia, it is also compatible with a variety of other Darley commercial window and door systems.

Design Features:

  • null
    Ideal for large spans
  • null
    Accepts a glass thickness of 20mm to 44mm
  • null
    Tested to an overall unit height of 6000mm
  • null
    High water resistance with a water rating of 800Pa
  • null
    Compatible with Darley’s other commercial framing systems
  • null
    Tested to AS2047 Windows & External Glazed Doors and AS4284 Testing of Building Facades
Wers Ratings

WERS Ratings

The Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS) is accredited by the AFRC – which means that WERS ratings are compliant with the NCC.

Reports are prescribed both the window performance for total window U Value (Uw) and total window Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGCw).


U-value measures how well a product prevents heat from escaping.

It is a measure of the rate of non-solar heat loss or gain through a material or assembly.

U-value ratings generally fall between 2.0-10.0 W/m2.K for Australian products. The lower the U-value, the greater a window’s resistance to heat and cold flow and the better its insulating value.

Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient (SHGC)

SHGC measures how well a product blocks heat caused by sunlight. SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The lower a window’s SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits.


Tested to AS2047

Under the Building Code of Australia, we are required to produce windows and doors that meet mandatory minimum specifications under Australian Standard (AS) 2047 – including AS1288.

Simulations of High Winds and Driving Rains

AS4420.2 Deflection Test – positive and negative wind pressures are applied to the face of the window to test the maximum deflection under wind load.
AS4420.5 Water Penetration Resistance Test – to verify that no water leaks through the window into the building.

Operating Force Requirement

AS4420.3 Operating Force Test – to verify that an opening sash is capable of opening and closing without undue effort.

Air Infiltration Pressure

AS4220.4 Air In filtration Test – the air leakage of a window is tested to ensure energy and acoustic efficiency.

Ultimate Strength Testing

AS4420.6 Ultimate Strength Test – negative and positive wind pressures are applied to the window to at least 1.5 times the design wind pressure to ensure it does not fail in unusual wind conditions.

Technical Manuals
CAD Drawings

Download CAD Drawings

Please note: file will be in .zip format.


SystemMaximum Panel HeightMaximum Panel WidthSLS (Pa)ULS (Pa)Water (Pa)Test Report No.Glass PositionGlass ThicknessAcoustic PerformanceSHGC RangeUw Range
250mm x 60mm Front Double Glazed Commercial FramingVariousVarious120022508002022-001-S4Front20mm to 44mmTBATBA2.8-3.9

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