New & Improved NSW Showroom Coming Soon!

We’re currently in the process of upgrading our NSW showroom.
During the Xmas break, we installed the structural framing and plan on installing our
residential and commercial window & door systems in the next few weeks.
We expect the showroom to be completed by mid-March 2019, so keep an eye
out for an invitation to the Opening Event!

The New and Improved NSW Showroom will:

  • Showcase Darley’s premium residential and commercial window and door systems.
  • Feature the NEW Thermally broken window and door system.
  • Also include new tables and chairs, providing a relaxing environment to sit down and  have a coffee while browsing our catalogues or waiting for your order.
  • Be a great place for you to experience Darley’s window and door systems for yourself.
  • Make color and hardware selection easy, with Interpon & Dulux colour charts and hardware on disply.

To find out more contat your Account Manager.


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